Wednesday, November 04, 2009

corner view: contrast

"there was always in me, two women at least, one woman desperate and
bewildered, who felt she was drowning and the other who would leap into a scene, as upon a stage, conceal her true emotions because they were weaknessess, helplessness, despair and present to the world only a smile, an eagerness, curiosity, interest"
--anais nin

cont-rast [n. kon-trast]
opposition or juxtaposition of different forms, lines or colors in a
work of art to intensify each
element's properties and produce a more dynamic

find more contrasts here


Char said...

I love eloquent

et lille oejeblik - a little moment said...

beautiful! this made me feel like digging out some anais nin from the bookshelves and do some re-reading. very inspiring cv :)

Francesca said...

It's an interesting quote. Personality is a complex thing.

Anonymous said...

haha i thinki blogged this exact same quotation almost 5 years ago just before i got married and i keep running into- i take it as a sign :)

kristina said...

I really like the photos together with the quote.

Cherry B said...

Love your take on this! And always words from Nin :) Thanks for sharing your insights.

jane said...

i always loved that quote... hello to you!

la ninja said...

aha, miss nin and miss niche.
very true. very womanly and very well chosen :)

Palmer and Co said...

LOVE this!! The quote is perfect!

Happy Day!

Cate said...

love that chica. so great. and love the interpretation on the theme.

Janis said...

I like that...

Gill said...

love her. awesome.
oh and your ring! so great!!