Saturday, October 03, 2009

an all night phanstasmagoria

On this sleepless night, the whole city of Toronto is buzzing with art, design and creativity. The excitement is contagious, the energy is spreading like an epidemic and Torontonians seem to be on a natural (some unnatural) high.

Some of these one night projects, installations and performances are happening right in my backyard (as i like to call it). It would have been a shame to miss that now wouldn't it be. So together with a couple of fellow art lovers , i threw myself into this all night party, complete with hot chocolates and bonfires and brought back a bunch of badly photographed phantasmagoria.
Here's a quick sneak preview with more to come on flickr!

click on the image above for better view

What you see above is just a glimpse of this grand party that Scotiabank throws for the city every year. You can check the rest here and if you missed it dont fret, there will be more in 2010.
I have always loved living in the city heres another reason why!
wishing every one an artful weekend...cheers!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds incredible! Can't wait to see more pictures!

Char said...

sounds like a great time

urbaNiche said...

it was a great weekend. it was like one huge party