Sunday, October 18, 2009

much needed....

after the craziness of this month is over i will need:
  • to park myself somewhere and breathe.
  • to take a vacation.
  • to step away from work.
  • to get some sleep.
  • home cooked food.
  • manicures and pedicures
  • to pick up a book and hide in a corner
  • to switch my brain off while it rejuvenates
  • to not think design
  • to just photograph more
  • to go shopping and buy shoes
  • get back to friday dinners with my girlfriends
  • to watch a movie with husband
  • to play with little N without interruptions and....
  • just simply indulge
hope every ones having a restful weekend!


Anonymous said...

All of those items on your list sound heavenly! I hope you get the opportunity to take this much-needed break!

jane said...

sounds like a plan! your candied apples look amazing! besos!

urbaNiche said...

meghan, funny i actually kinda did get around to some of the above this weekend

jane they tasted yum too!