Friday, October 02, 2009

this friday....

The first Friday of October has been quiet and mostly spent in the comfort of our home.

rainful and blurry
It has been about a rainy morning and a misty evening

Toronto on a misty night

The in betweens have been mostly pending house chores.

chores big and small
This Friday has been about gaining inspiration from stories around the world, getting a fall wardrobe ready, catching up with friends old and new and looking forward to a weekend of Nuit Blanche.
i think therefore i am

Wishing every one a great weekend and leaving with a thought,
"Simple is hard to do. But, when you get there its so liberating. It means taking away things to arrive at just the right elements"
-Eileen Fisher


MissBuckle said...

Gotta love that rain on the window...

Char said...

sounds like a beautiful quiet weekend

urbaNiche said...

it was rainy and quiet beautiful i have to admit! :)