Wednesday, December 23, 2009

6 years and a Nyle later...

......i love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. i love you straightforwardly without complexities or pride; so i love you because i know no other way
--pablo neruda

6 years ago there was so much to say...
6 years later there is less said and yet so much felt....

heres to us,
heres to love & marriage,
heres to so much more.

Monday, November 16, 2009

....and while i was away

....some one left a beautiful gift for me
thank you red boots for the fab so totally overwhelmed

Thursday, November 12, 2009

longest i have been away...

...since i started blogging again...i have been having blog withdrawals and thought i should drop in a line and say hello to all my friends here.
i ve had some crazy busy past 2 weeks and will continue to till this weekend is over. i shall return next week and share all the happenings, the thoughts and the fun filled up in this little niche here!
till then i will sneak preview into whats been keeping my occupied...
a wedding designed, planned & executed
(more to follow on my website blog shortly)
my first photography project
preparing for the IVS Alumni show II 2009
exhibition starting December 2, 2009
some traveling plans

see you next week with more!
have a great weekend

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

corner view: contrast

"there was always in me, two women at least, one woman desperate and
bewildered, who felt she was drowning and the other who would leap into a scene, as upon a stage, conceal her true emotions because they were weaknessess, helplessness, despair and present to the world only a smile, an eagerness, curiosity, interest"
--anais nin

cont-rast [n. kon-trast]
opposition or juxtaposition of different forms, lines or colors in a
work of art to intensify each
element's properties and produce a more dynamic

find more contrasts here

Monday, November 02, 2009

euphoria 31

swirling life
somewhere in the midst of living and dreaming, somewhere in the midst of growing and learning, one more year added itself to my big 30. this year promises to weave some more dreams and to live the dreams already dreamt. a year that started through a midnight kiss and a warm embrace from a best friend who also happens to be my life partner. a year of continued wonder and bewilderment at the speed of time, the speed of growth and the need to catch every passing moment of Nyleness.

November falls right at the turn of a season. it reminds me of the smell of winter back home, childhood friends and family and makes me nostalgic. and since it also happens to be my birthday on the first of each November, this is also the time of the year that makes me contemplate on the whole idea of birthdays and celebrations, gifts and expectations. people always want to know how your birthday went, what did your loved ones do to make it special for you, what gifts did you receive, basically how eventful or uneventful was your life on this day when you came into the world. i like birthdays because i love celebrations, food, music, laughter and friends.

but this year seems a little different. this year these queries made me think that my loved ones dont really need to do anything special to make me feel special(not a new revelation, just a stronger one)they do it just by being there. loved ones will not just leave a message on facebook but try to reach me in person. they will take out time to call. they will make efforts to get every one together so we can celebrate. happiness really is such a simple concept. it can be found in simple gestures. it can be husband preparing breakfast or coming home to a clean house with the incense burning, again courtesy of husband who knows i find pleasure in small details.

it can be friends calling from around the world, it can be family singing happy birthday over the phone in the most un-synchronized tune. it can be a steak dinner with great friends, nyle refusing to sit in the high chair and husband not eating so he can entertain nyle while i eat, and a cake appearing at the end. happiness is chatting non stop with your best friend about anything and everything. it comes in emails from brother who is usually not very expressive "sara is 31 now! wow my sisters 31 and the mother of a child and still very cool!". happiness is dropping all guards in front of sister and complaining to hearts content without being judged. of course happiness is also in husband dropping me here saying shop till you drop. a girl can never have enough shoes can she?

conclusion: happiness, birthdays, celebrations and above all love manifests themselves in subtle ways. it creeps up with subtlety, it grows silently. it doesnt have to be loud, it doesnt have to be publicly displayed. if its there, it will show itself in your gleaming eyes, it will show itself in giving eachother space, it is in actions, it is in content smiles, its in trust and its in your heart.

at 31 i want to live more, love more, dream more, play more and grow everyday with the ones i love and settle for nothing less of euphoria!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

corner view: water

i saw gigantic water drops stuck in a glass window
capturing life in its reflections

empty your mind, be formless, be shapeless-like water. now you pour water into a cup it becomes the cup, you pour water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you pour it in the teacup, it becomes the teacup. now water can flow or it can crash. be water my friend.

free your mind
check out more water creatures here

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

when the girls get together....

there will be journeys of the hearts: image kelly rae

there will be Coco Avante Chanel,
there will be drinks and gelatos with warm chocolate syrups.
there will be talk of world and religion,
there will be talk of love and marriage.
there will be talk of inner conflicts and sorting thoughts
there will be talk of birthing miracles and raising kids,
there will be talk of fashion and shoes
there will be dreams shared and uncontrollable laughters with tears
there will be a full night of binging without a care,
there will be pumpkin pies
and sleepy eyes
and above all there will be good times well shared!

this was a weekend dedicated to the girls
and as girls will be girls there was all of the above and so much more.
Thank God for good friends!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

sneak preview: grey design

when an opportunity comes along to work on a renovation project, my excitement is unbearable. here's a sneak preview of what i put together for my client.

Tomorrow, he will be seeing textured grey slate tiles, with more grey in smooth finish glass, splurges of orange on white walls and stainless steel vanity along with a stainless steel bench, humanized with a wenghe tray.

All of this just so his guests can feel extra special. dont you just love such hosts!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

corner view: dreams

dreams are brains way of building a cartography of thoughts, images, emotions, ambitions
and mapping them out in the sub conscious. i use dreams to list and store and
return to them one by one, from time to time. i then let the conscious sort them out
and find ways of making them possible.
i believe all dreams can come true, you just have to push yourself that extra mile and the next thing you know you are LIVING your DREAMS

talk of dreams always brings this tune to my head.
enjoy dreaming...
and find more dreamers here

Monday, October 19, 2009

weekend wanderings: spontaneity

husband and i are spontaneous beings. we feel caged by routine and run as far away from it as possible. living for the moment and making the most of it while it lasts: has been our mantra for life. no planned excursions, no planned dates, no valentines day forced confessions of love, no gifts when they are expected the most. nope, nothing of the sort.

so this sunday inspite of lack of sleep, extreme tiredness and exhaustion, somehow the happenings of our day unfolded itself quite beautifully. we had a plan. we dropped little N at his grandparents in the morning, i had a round of meetings which i managed by gulping down a sugarless, dark, grande and then we had planned to go home and sleep through the rest of the evening.

but as we got closer to home, the chaotic view of the city with its jagged skyline and meandering streets looked so very inviting that a detour seemed totally reasonable. the rest of the evening we walked around, laughed, cracked jokes, laughed some more, window shopped, discovered some interesting neighborhoods and simply spent some unplanned, spontaneous time together.

who needs sleep when their is a life to be lived!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

much needed....

after the craziness of this month is over i will need:
  • to park myself somewhere and breathe.
  • to take a vacation.
  • to step away from work.
  • to get some sleep.
  • home cooked food.
  • manicures and pedicures
  • to pick up a book and hide in a corner
  • to switch my brain off while it rejuvenates
  • to not think design
  • to just photograph more
  • to go shopping and buy shoes
  • get back to friday dinners with my girlfriends
  • to watch a movie with husband
  • to play with little N without interruptions and....
  • just simply indulge
hope every ones having a restful weekend!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

a meaningful love affair

this is a story of a love affair that started 6 years ago. an affair that makes me feel 10 years younger. it makes me feel fresh and beautiful, hip and chic, all at once. and overtime it has blossomed into more then just an affair of love. it is a commitment, to the self and to the world. it is a commitment to the present and to the future. it is an affair with a profound meaning. it is a vegan kind of affair, that is green and uses upto 55 recycled bottles. it is a matt & natt kind of affair. and its message is:

their bags are not just super cool but also environmentally friendly. i have to be honest im not a 100% environmentalist but i try wherever i can. i guess my love affair with matt & natt brings me one teeny tiny step closer to that. and even though there are a million reasons why i love matt & natt (and trust me so will you once you see their collection) is also because it has grown with me and adjusted to my needs. it has been with me from being a university going student when i first discovered it 6 years ago, to a working professional and now, as a mommy i use one of their man bags as a diaper bag. what you see above is my latest addition, a gift to the self just because...umm...well i couldn't resist the feel of it on my shoulder!

the above message is also my note to a pink Thursday.
all serious daring starts from within
-joan baez

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

corner view: love

love is... post it notes where you least expect them memories that always bring a smile
it is where the heart is...

there is more love to be found at spaindaily

Sunday, October 11, 2009

a balancing act

the last few months have been about new beginnings for me. i like new beginnings. i find they are exciting, refreshing, motivating and they keep you going. my new beginnings have been in my personal life, my professional life and my online presence, to name a few. some beginnings have been experimental and some more serious. some merely for the self like this blog and some a creative outlet.

and i see more to come soon, like another blog,(shhhhh, still in the works) that will be a creative outlet on a more impersonal and less narcissist level then this blog. my first real, photography project that will show itself next week, and some more professional growth, also in the works since it requires some pre-req exams that i will be writing for the next few months. and in less then 3 weeks i will also be hitting the 31 mark! wohoo!

last week was another new beginning as i launched my website and am now officially open for business. this has been an interesting experience with all kinds of goodness and weirdness that has come my way from all directions be it family or friends. a lot of oh i was thinking of starting the same thing or oh how will you run your own business with a baby, or most favorite are you getting any paid projects or are these all favours for friends!! and the worst kind what if it doesnt work. God knows thats been my biggest concern. but i guess i ll never know till i try, now will i....

what is also exciting to see is that so many mums i know are suddenly pushed to do something with their lives. a sudden momprenur-ness is in the air. i guess you need one doer around to create a ripple effect. i have been getting phone calls asking for tips and guidelines on how to start a business, the legalities involved, the time management, the work-home balance, is it worthwhile, how much capital this, that, the other .

and for this i would just like to say one thing I DONT KNOW, I HAVE NO ANSWERS! please dont make me anxious, please people if you have nothing good to say dont say anything at all. please back of and let me breathe, let me enjoy my very short lived celebrity moment of the ohh and the ahhs. please dont get me wrong i will help and i have already taken on a few on my little work ventures and am guiding a few others with whatever little knowledge i have. but geezzzzzz im no rockstar!! i just started, how do you expect me to have the answers when im still searching for them myself. give me some space, give me some time to grow, give me a chance and let ME give ME a chance as well!!(phew, there i said it aloud and felt mighty good saying it).

maybe im being intolerant towards my surroundings, maybe people are just expressing their excitment. but the newness of this is quite overwhelming for me. and i dont know where this will take me. maybe this is an experiment, maybe i will fail or maybe and hopefully i will succeed and eventually achieve my very simple retirement dream #14. who knows. its something i have always wanted to try and that's what im doing. and her i CAN say something, that its totally worth following your dreams, because in the end and whatever the end may be you know you gave it a shot. and that for me is a life lived.

i know there are some very successful momprenuers out there, some women who work hard to achieve the work-home balance and some others who dedicate themselves to building their homes. some inspiring women who are doing good just by being themselves and what they do best. and so many, so many more. and i admire them all just the same and aspire to be one of them. i want to be a doer and i want to have no regrets in my life. i want to achieve balance online and offline. and this balancing act is not easy, but looking at all these women around me is like a driving force. if they can do it why cant i...

so here i am this Sunday morning sharing with you some thoughts and some new beginnings and wishing all the women out there, all my friends in the blogosphere, and all of those performing the balancing act, the best always.

do check out my website when you get a chance and feedback is more then welcomed. spread the love, spread the word!

Thursday, October 08, 2009

pink inked!

life shrinks or expands in proportion to ones courage
-anais nin

we are all beautiful and deserve to take time out for ourselves.
wishing every one strength, courage and pink thoughts
on this pink Thursday, this pink October.

you will find more pink thoughts here and here

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

corner view: souvenir

Last week i joined corner view courtesy of spain daily and this is my first take at it.
My favorite souvenir from Toronto would be the congestion at Kensington market, where cars fight the narrowness of the streets and pedestrians mock at the drivers. A sort of free will prevails amongst the people, who cross the streets as they like, sing on the streets and entertain passerbys. where you can enjoy the best burritos in the world!

In its proximity is China Town, my all time favorite, where you can find anything and everything under the sky. Where the shops pour out onto the sidewalks, where the smell of fish pervades the atmosphere and the whole street is like eye candy.

and high fashion casually walks by...

Yes, this for me is a typical souvenir of Toronto. You can find more corner views from around the world and their souvenirs at spain daily.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Nyle 1.0

This weekend i attended a friend's daughter's first birthday and the parents' frenzy and excitement reminded me of little N's first which was July 14th.

I remember how i drove myself crazy making sure each and every detail was taken care of; the invites, the favors, the theme, the colors, the cake, the food and the decor. It was like being back in school working on my thesis, staying up late nights, making lists, listening to Dave Mathews, drinking coke and coffee. Planning, planning and lots of planning.

Family supported me, friends thought i was being ridiculous but stood by. You see, i didn't really leave them with much of a choice.

The result; well why don't you see for yourself. Here goes,

postcard invite designed by a dear friend who lives at
love,paper & ink.
these were hand written and mailed out to all our friends

behind the scenes: the night before
food prepared by my best friend
who flew all the way from DC just for this

sunshine, fresh flowers and shades of turquoise and lime
cutlery and napkin holders hand made out of paint color cards from Home Depot

the candy bar on our lovely patio

colorful candies from bulk barn

god is in the details

did i mention the theme was "robots and monkeys"....

.....thus the cake and the cupcakes by a dear friend : yes she is multi-talented!

the personalized favors with each child's name stamped on them...

from Nyles personal thank you stickers collection

and a slightly confused turquoise Nyle at 1.0

Hope you all enjoyed the pictures as much as i enjoyed sharing them.

Sharing these memories also made me realize that i am blessed with a great bunch of friends, my best friend whos always been there for me, my family here and back home and of course above all F whos been remarkably patient through my "everything has to be perfect" syndrome.

ok now before this post turns into an Oscar award speech i must take leave with just one thought
"it is better to appreciate what you have rather then focus on what yo dont, to count your blessings, and feel happy for others, rather then waste time and energy doing just the opposite"
-urbaniche's lame attempt at creating a quote

signing out right about now....

Monday, October 05, 2009

state of mind

Thompson Landry gallery: my latest gallery crush
center painting reflection on glass window

thoughts racing,
brain finding it hard to keep up
nights happily sleepless
eyes closed but mind awake
thoughts, thoughts and more thoughts permeating the thin membrane of the mind
floating thoughts,
blurry thoughts,
moving thoughts,
racing thoughts.

black and white pages,
pen and ink
thoughts being inked,
thoughts being listed
ideas, images,

what could this be..
a moment of inspiration
a spark of light,
a burst of creativity...

Saturday, October 03, 2009

an all night phanstasmagoria

On this sleepless night, the whole city of Toronto is buzzing with art, design and creativity. The excitement is contagious, the energy is spreading like an epidemic and Torontonians seem to be on a natural (some unnatural) high.

Some of these one night projects, installations and performances are happening right in my backyard (as i like to call it). It would have been a shame to miss that now wouldn't it be. So together with a couple of fellow art lovers , i threw myself into this all night party, complete with hot chocolates and bonfires and brought back a bunch of badly photographed phantasmagoria.
Here's a quick sneak preview with more to come on flickr!

click on the image above for better view

What you see above is just a glimpse of this grand party that Scotiabank throws for the city every year. You can check the rest here and if you missed it dont fret, there will be more in 2010.
I have always loved living in the city heres another reason why!
wishing every one an artful weekend...cheers!!

Friday, October 02, 2009

this friday....

The first Friday of October has been quiet and mostly spent in the comfort of our home.

rainful and blurry
It has been about a rainy morning and a misty evening

Toronto on a misty night

The in betweens have been mostly pending house chores.

chores big and small
This Friday has been about gaining inspiration from stories around the world, getting a fall wardrobe ready, catching up with friends old and new and looking forward to a weekend of Nuit Blanche.
i think therefore i am

Wishing every one a great weekend and leaving with a thought,
"Simple is hard to do. But, when you get there its so liberating. It means taking away things to arrive at just the right elements"
-Eileen Fisher

Thursday, October 01, 2009

happy falling

Summer has been trying to say farewell for a while now and i think it finally has. signs of change were visible in our morning walk today.

All the senses seemed awakened by the rustling of the leaves under the feet, the mellowed sun, the chill in the wind, an uncanny calmness and a general slowing down could be felt in the atmosphere. And much to my surprise, i liked the sight of the world slowing down around me, as if taking a break, allowing the change to seep in, bowing down to the call of nature. Fall is undoubtedly, my favorite

because with fall comes:
  • the right amount of cool temperature: tolerable and kind
  • a burst of color: orange, rust, red
  • my lovely tan shoes
  • hot chocolates and more coffee
  • shorter days and longer nights
  • season of mist and mellow fruitfulness
  • visits to museums: a spectular photography exhibition at the ROM, Vanity Fair Portraits, photographs since 1913-2008, to be attended
  • a free all night contemporary art thing
  • photography in a different
  • addition of the number one to my thirty
  • scrabble nights with friends
  • pink: the national breast cancer awareness month if October
  • small: because October is all about small is the new big (more on that later)
  • and a whole lot of loving, laughter and living with the ones we care for
everything we do is infused with the energy with which we do it. if we are frantic life will be frantic, if we are peaceful, life will be peaceful.
-Marianne Williamson

hapy October and happy fall!